EPA-UEMS: Joint Workshop on education and training - European Congress of Psychiatry

Dear all,


We are delighted to announce UEMS will be holding a joint workshop with EPA at the upcoming 32nd European Congress of Psychiatry taking place 6-9 April 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.


Most of the UEMS Psychiatry Section officers will be in attendance and we would be delighted to see you at the session. There will be a chance after the session for a discussion with the officers so we hope you be able to stick around.  


EPA-UEMS: Joint Workshop on education and training

09.04.2024 | 08:00 - 09:30 | F1-F2-F3

Code: JW01

Type: Joint Workshop

Topic: Joint Session

Chair: Marisa Casanova Dias (United Kingdom) , Geert Dom (Belgium)

08:00 - 08:14

Updates on the European Training Requirements (ETR)  for psychiatry

Speaker: Andrew Brittlebank (United Kingdom)

08:14 - 08:28

MOOC courses in psychiatry; future perspectives

Speaker: Cecile Hanon (France)

08:28 - 08:42

Survey on psychiatry training in Europe

Speaker: Asilay Seker (United Kingdom)

08:42 - 08:56

How to train community psychiatry in Europe

Speaker: Marianne Destoop (Belgium)

08:56 - 09:10

The future of training in psychiatry in Europe

Speaker: Krzysztof Krysta (Poland)


UEMS officer Prof. Dr. Slađana Štrkalj Ivezić will also be presenting a poster (attached) on ‘Assessing the recovery process in a mobile rehabilitation team for people with severe mental disorders by using the Recovery Helm’.


Times and location below:

08.04.2024 | 09:30 - 10:00 | e-Poster area station 05

Code: EPP0298

Type: ePoster Presentation

Topic: Rehabilitation and psychoeducation

Speaker: Sladana Strkalj Ivezic (Croatia)


UEMS Section of Psychiatry Advocates for Human Rights and Recovery in Coercive Practices