Archived reports
The Section regularly reviews its reports, on average every 3 years, to ensure that our guidance and recommendations are up to date and in line with medical, scientific advances and changing social, economic and political settings. As a result, some reports published in the past may become obsolete or subsumed into wider UEMS publications. For the sake of continuity, we decided to create this archive page to store the reports withdrawn from wider circulation.
The UEMS European Board of Psychiatry was established in 1992. In 2012 the Board and the Section were merged into one body to ensure that training and professional development remained at the core of the business.
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This report was archived at the Section and Board of Psychiatry spril meeting in Vienna, April 2006. An up to date recommendation reflecting the current geo-political situation in Europe will be included in Chapter 6 of the UEMS Training Charter at its next review in 2007.
This report was archived at the Section and Board of Psychiatry spril meeting in Vienna, April 2006. An up to date recommendation reflecting the current geo-political situation in Europe will be included in Chapter 6 of the UEMS Training Charter at its next review in 2007.
This report was archived at the Section and Board of Psychiatry spril meeting in Vienna, April 2006. An up to date recommendation reflecting the current geo-political situation in Europe will be included in Chapter 6 of the UEMS Training Charter at its next review in 2007.
This report was archived at the Section and Board of Psychiatry spring meeting in Vienna, April 2006. Although the underpinning principles of mental health legislation recommended in this 2001 report are still largely valid, the data that informed the report was collected in 1998 and is now of limited value. The repeat of a Europe-wide survey of mental health legislation is beyond the Section’s resources. It has been decided instead to focus on one, most relevant, aspect of such legislation, i.e. the principles underlying compulsory treatment in the community, including recent research in this particular field. This work was commenced in October 2006 and a position statement will be produced in due course.
This report was archived at the Section and Board of Psychiatry autumn meeting in Deventer, October 2006. In view of recent research showing evidence of psychiatry being biologically based, the Section has set up a new working group to prepare a new report on biology in psychiatry.
This report was archived at the autumn meeting in Geneva, October 2007.
This report was archived at the autumn meeting in Geneva, October 2007.
This report was archived at the autumn meeting in Geneva, October 2007.
This is a consolidating document summarising the Section’s and Board’s previous reports on this subject (see above). It was archived at the autumn meeting in Geneva, October 2007.
This report was archived at the autumn meeting of the Section and Board in Ghent, Belgium, October 2008.