Our section officers
No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.
Dr. Marisa Casanova Dias
elected June ‘22
Royal College of Psychiatrists
21 Prescot Street, London, E1 8BB,
United Kingdom
E: Marisa.Casanova-Dias@rcpsych.ac.uk
Dr. Jozef Dragasek
Honorary Secretary
re-elected June ‘23
Slovak Psychiatric Association
Slovak Medical Association
Cukrova 13, 813 22, Bratislava
E: jozef.dragasek@upjs.sk
Dr. Nicoletta van Veelen
Honorary Treasurer
elected June ‘23
Dutch Psychiatric Association/Nederlands Vereniging Voor Psychiatrie
E: N.vanVeelen@umcutrecht.nl
Prof. Krzysztof Krysta
Vice President for Training
elected October ‘20
Department of Rehabilitation Psychiatry
Medical University of Silesia
Katowice, Poland
E: krysta@mp.pl
Prof. Dr. Slađana Štrkalj Ivezić
elected October ‘21
Croatian society for clinical psychiatry
Croatian medical association
Šubičeva 9
10090 Zagreb, Croatia
E: strkaljivezics@gmail.com
Dr. Rachael Cullivan-Elliott
Vice President for CME
elected October ‘22
The College Of Psychiatry Of Ireland
Dr. Andrew Brittlebank
Immediate Past President
elected October ‘19
Royal College of Psychiatrists
21 Prescot Street, London, E1 8BB,
United Kingdom
E: abrittlebank@mac.com
Dr. Marc Hermans
Vice President of UEMS, Member of the UEMS Executive,
elected January ‘20
Past President of the Section
E: marc.uems@telenet.be
Mr. Samuel Smith
Section Administrator
UEMS Section of Psychiatry
c/o Royal College of Psychiatrists
21 Prescot Street, London, E1 8BB
United Kingdom
E: Samuel.Smith@rcpsych.ac.uk